PVC Innovation Features

News: PVC Shallow Well Pump

PVC can literally be a life saver in the developing world, as well as in the wake of a disaster. This little article is a picture of innovation after a disaster in the developing world, and it is a perfect example of the simple ways we can do good for each other.

News: Thrifty and Chic - PVC Pipe Mirror Frames

This is very similar to the PVC picture frame, but it's interesting enough to post it as well. I like circley [sic] patterns, and this little idea fits into that beautifully. This one also contains a better how-to than the picture frame article, so if you liked that concept but found her instructions a little hard to follow, this one is right up your alley.

News: The Eight Element Table

This is a sort of supplement to the Four-Element Table, with the additional four legs added for stability. The pipes are squished flat at the ends and riveted on, allowing this table to bear a much heavier load without compromising style.

News: Great Discussion on Finishing PVC

This forum has a discussion about painting PVC that has some opinions from very accomplished people, including Volpin Props. They go over primers, adhesion promoters, sanding and more, and if you see these people's work, they are the go-to guys for informed ideas on this subject.

News: Billboard Earthbag Project

This project is intended to reuse PVC that makes up the images on billboards and make them into houses for disaster and poverty stricken people. While the images are definitely cg mockups, the concept is awesome. I've personally been working on disaster relief shelters, but my concepts all involve using fresh PVC pipe. These guys have taken it a step further by taking vinyl sign material that is headed for landfills and recycling it into homes.

News: Robotic Unmanned Submarine

This is what happens when grad students start playing with PVC pipe. This stuff is really cool for prototype robotics applications. This article is a how-we-did-it as opposed to a how-to, but if you've got all of the crazy instrumentation and software that they do, you can start to play on levels that a lot of us (myself included) can't even imagine.