A thousand words.Once you've tried this, the sky's the limit. Just don't use PVC to mold hot foods. I'm pretty sure some interesting things like this could happen involving ice cream and cheese cake ...
Images taken from http://www.ppugartist.com - Paul Pugliese Art & DesignHe's an eclectic artist in all media, but this stuff is cool. ...
Just when I thought I'd scoured the internet for every cool existing PVC project, this thing came up.There are also pictures from the inside of this thing.WarningsYou must have a strong stomach to ima ...
Super cool DIY PVC skeleton from the Robot Group:"At this point it is not much more than a mannequin. With the recent acquisition of a lot of cool pneumatics, it should be possible to make a very inte ...
This guy made his own telescope, and you're never going to guess what he used for the body. ...
This is an excessive performance mod for a computer, but ecxessive is good in the computer world. ...
Not all of these involve PVC, but the majority do, and they all have their merits. ...