Vertical Axis Wind Turbines take less horizontal space to operate, and they don't have to face any certain direction to work. Larger turbines are absolutely beautiful.
Even the pipes themselves make cool toys, but it's possible to do some really fun stuff with PVC! Potato guns, anyone? And that's just the beginning....
Believe it or not, once you heat this stuff up, it takes on the consistency of a cooked spaghetti noodle, and from there, you can do some amazing things.
I'd like to see a discussion on applications from the open-source robotics community (especially the Arduino crowd) about the uses, from chassis and appendages to cages for robots. I'd also like to make a suggestion to the robotics crowd that greenhouses can be robots, too.
This space is dedicated to questions people may have about using PVC Pipe in irrigation applications. I'd love to see some irrigation pros join the conversation, as I'm really just a hobbyist here.
I've been hell-bent on complete self sufficiency for a long time now. There was a point where I was living in a self-sustaining community in the mountains in Colorado, and we had a very large greenhouse there. Dragging the hose around to water plants was a real pain, and that stuck in the back of my mind even after I left the place. It would have been much easier to integrate watering into the frame at construction time than doing that hose dance every day.
I'd like to use this space to talk about PVC furniture projects. It's not a huge area of interest to me personally, but I have seen some beautiful designs, and I'd like to host a meeting place for PVC Furniture Designers.
I'd like to use this space to answer any questions you may have about the self-watering greenhouse concept, as well as take any new ideas you might have. I want this option to be WIDE open to the public, and I'd like to know what other people are thinking.
If you haven't had a pile of pipe and fittings to play with before, it's hard to see what is so cool about a plain, plastic pipe. All it does in the house is carry the poop away. Really, who cares?